You Become An INSTANT List Authority!
Get Paid To Build Your List Giving Away Free Weekly Upgrades!
We Give You The Email Swipes AND Promo Codes
Enough To Give Your Subscribers For 2 WHOLE YEARS!
A Retail Value Of $3,848.00

from Dave Mosher in Fort Worth, TX

What Is An INSTANT List Authority?

All marketers know the phrase, "The money is in the LIST!" All too often, new marketers will choose an autoresponder service, load any email swipes with their referral links, and that's it. If their Affiliate Program only provide a dozen or so follow-up emails, once the compaign is completed, they have no additional value content to provide to their subscribers.

Marketers that set up value content to drip out to their subscribers on a weekly basis will not only maintain their subscribers for a much longer period of time, they will also be able to monetize that list over, and over again.

Besides building a list, what's the most important thing? TRAFFIC! So why not create a system where newbies and veteran internet marketers can load up their autoresponders with value content that provides their subscribers with TONS OF TRAFFIC?

Which is exactly what I've done, providing all of the email swipes, AND all of the Promo Codes for our members to give away every single week to all of their subscribers! Enough to give their subcribers $3,848.00 in value over 104 weeks (2 WHOLE YEARS!)

104 Email Swipes AND Promo Codes
With 1-Year Gold Upgrades

We could have just set up a nice little ad-pack promo code for all 104 Safelists, and it would still give your subscribers value every single week. However, in the State of Texas, we like to say, "Go BIG, or go home!" Just a regular weekly promo code wasn't enough value for me to give it that, UMPH!

So I set up a 1-Year Gold Upgrade Promo Code at all 104 Safelists, and created 104 Email Swipes where all you have to do is change the referral link to yours, and load into your autoresponder to go out every 7 days.

While your subscribers are going to love getting a Weekly Upgrade Promo Code from you, there's going to be a handful of SERIOUS Marketers that are going to purchase a higher upgrade at some of these sites, and that's MONEY IN YOUR POCKET!

It's like having a HUGE Sales Funnel set up for the next 2 years, all while giving your subscribers great value for staying on your list.

What Happens After 2 Years? Am I Done?

Nope! You're NOT Done! Long before your autoresponder and subscribers have gone through all 104 1-Year Gold Upgrade Promo Codes, we're going to add 104 more Ad-Pack Promo Codes from those same 104 Safelists. That's ANOTHER 2 Years of Value Content to reward your subscribers for staying in your list!

Can I Use These 1-Year Gold Upgrade
Promo Codes For Myself?

YES! In fact, you should make sure that you register an account at all 104 Safelists BEFORE you add the follow-ups/email swipes to your autoresponder. This way you can replace the referral links in the email swipes with your referral links.

Just make sure that you don't already have a VIP, or Elite Upgrade at any of those sites, because if you use the Promo Codes, it will automatically set you to 1-Year Gold.

You want to make sure you change the referral links to yours, because you never know when someone from your list is going to upgrade, or make a purchase. You don't want to miss out on any commissions!

Do I have To Use Your Autoresponder?
Can I Make An E-Book With These Codes?

For as long as you are an Upgraded Member at MyVIPContacts, which is where you will gain access to all of these Email Swipes and Promo Codes, you have license to use them with ANY Autoresponder.

While we do provide you with an Unlimited Autoresponder, you may already have an Autresponder service that you prefer using, and you will have license to use these Promo Codes and Email Swipes with ANY Autoresponder you choose.

However, you DO NOT have license to post or publish these Email Swipes and Promo Codes in an E-Book, nor on any public website, blog, etc.

The exception to the rule, is if you want to drive your subscribers to your newsletter page first, and get their weekly upgrade promo code from that page instead of in the follow-up email. It just can't be a publicly advertised website.

The whole purpose is to make you an INSTANT List Authority, and to help you grow your list by providing your subscribers with weekly VALUE! So please don't abuse it!

This All Sounds Great!
But Won't This Overload My Gmail Inbox?

What About The NEW 2024 Gmail Rules?

Great questions! You're going to love the answers!

We have a NO COST TOOL that allows you to receive and manage all of your Safelist Mails from one location. Yes, there's NO COST to make use of this tool!

It's called MasterSafelistMails, and once you connect MSM to a particular Safelist, all Credit Mails, Solo Ads, and Super Solos will go to your MSM Inbox. Your Gmail Inbox will just receive Admin Email, such as Password Resets, Verification Emails, etc. Everything else will go to your MSM Inbox. You're going to love it!

While the NEW 2024 Gmail Rules have had a serious affect on our industry, ALL 300+ Safelists that I own are in 100% Compliance with Gmail's New Rules. However, Gmail still throttles, or limits that amount of mail that can be sent, and received.

Gmail still has a lot of bugs to work out of their system with these new rules, but we are constantly monitoring things to make sure every site is in 100% compliance.

Should you not receive a verification email within 15 minutes to your Inbox or Junk Folder, simply submit a Support Ticket, and we'll manually verify your account for you.

If you request a Password Reset, and don't receive it within 15 minutes, submit a Support Ticket and we will manually reset it with a Temporary Password.

This Sounds Like It's Going To Be Expensive!
How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?
What All Do I Get?

Believe it or not, it's ONLY $0.37 per DAY, or $10.97/mo! There's even a Login Offer for only $97/Year, which will save you $34.64 a year from our monthly subscription.

Plus, you'll earn 40% Referral Commissions on any subscription, or purchases your referral make.

UNLIMITED Autoresponders
UNLIMITED Capture-Page Builder
UNLIMITED Splash-Page Builder
and MORE!

I Already Have The Tools I Need, Do I HAVE To
Purchase A Subscription Through MyVIPContacts

NO! Which is why I also put together, "Option B!" Hey, I get it! If you've got all the tools you need, your own autoresponder, why do I need to purchase resources that I already have covered?

If you choose Option B, you can purchase ALL 104 Email Swipes AND Promo Codes for only $47.00 One-Time. You just won't receive the additional Ad-Pack Promo Codes MyVIPContacts Upgraded Members will receive.

You can purchase Option B NOW, and ALL 104 Swipes and Promo Codes are READY NOW!

You'll see below where you can join MyVIPContacts, where upgraded members have full access. Below that, you'll see where you can purchase Option B for only $47.00.

After purchase, submit a Support Ticket with the best email to send you ALL 104 Email Swipes and Promo Codes in a ZIP File!

When Will ALL 104 Email Swipes and Promo Codes

Be Ready For Me To Access?

We have already added ALL Email Swipes and Promo Codes to the Member's Area for our Upgraded Members to access immediately. 

Ready To Become An INSTANT List Authority?
Click The Link Below To Get Started TODAY
With OPTION "A" At MyVIPContacts

Sorry, Dave! I've Got ALL The Tools I Need!

I Want "Option B," Where I Can Get ALL
104 Email Swipes AND Promo Codes For
Just $47.00 ONE-TIME!

Just to recap, you can purchase Option B NOW, for only $47.00!

You also understand that you can ONLY use these Email Swipes and Promo Codes for your personal Autoresponder Subscribers. You do NOT have license to share with friends, nor publish in an E-Book, nor publicly publish on an advertised website.

You CAN add these to ANY Autoresponder you choose, and, if you prefer to drive your subscribers to your personal Newsletter URL (that is NOT advertised to the public), you may do so.

This is a purchase for a Digital Product, and we have a ZERO Refund Policy!

Yes, I understand, and agree to your terms for OPTION "B!"

After completed purchase, please click the link below to submit a Support Ticket with the best email where we can send you your ZIP File!

Click HERE To Submit A Support Ticket